SIEMENS Sp. z o.o.

ul. Żupnicza 11, 03 - 821 Warszawa
tel: (+48 22) 870 90 00
fax: (+48 22) 870 90 09
Dominika Bettman
Prezeska - CEO
(+48 22) 870 90 00 / fax: (+48 22) 870 90 09
Przedmiot działalności

Siemens Ltd. business activities include sales of Siemens AG products, solutions and services, as well as engineering, consulting and maintenance services. An offer of Siemens Ltd.  includes electrical and electronic equipment for industry, automation and power engineering, power generation and distribution systems, transmission and distribution, medical technology, and technology of rail transport and building management systems, communal and specialist infrastructure.

Urządzenia techniczne

Siemens Ltd. offers technological solutions combining products of mother company and services related to:

  • generation of energy - a complete power plants, steam and gas turbines, onshore and offshore wind turbines, generators, automation products and solutions for transmission and distribution of high and medium voltage energy as well as components and services for power supply of medium and low voltage.
  • automation and digitalization of manufacturing processes - automation, industrial control, powertrain technologies, technology measurement and control, as well as software for industry
  • urban infrastructure and buildings - automatic safety facilities, technology, intelligent building systems, intelligent traffic management solutions for water and wastewater technology and rail transport: a variety of rail vehicles and traffic management systems.
  • ISO 9001: 2008 - quality management
  • ISO 14001: 2005 - environmental protection
  • OHSAS 18001: 2007 - occupational safety and hygiene

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