ul. Kościuszki 75, 64-700 Czarnków
tel: (+48) 67 255 28 52
fax: (+48) 67 255 37 60
Włodzimierz Dębowski
Prezes Zarządu (Chairman)
(+48) 67 255 26 01
Donata Panek
Członek Zarządu (Member of Board)
(+48) 67 255 28 52 w. 277
Przedmiot działalności

Marine Equipment Factory  MEBLOMOR S.A. is supply developing company producing wide assortment of equipment for vessels. The products are made of the highest quality materials by using new technologies and modern machines. Thanks to experienced staff we meet expectations the most required customers. The scope of production : ship doors, ship hatches and ship louvers, workshop and gastronomic furniture made of steel, stainless steel or aluminium and furniture for individual projects according to given documentation.

Program produkcyjny
  • Multitasking
  • Different kind
  • ISO 9001:2008
  • Type approval certifikates issued by ABS, PRS, DNV-GL, LRS, RMRS, RRR

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