ul. 28 Czerwca 1956 nr. 223/229, 60-965 Poznań
tel: (+48) 61 831 15 65
fax: (+48) 61 831 13 72
Wojciech Więcławek
Prezes zarządu
(+48) 61 831 23 14 fax: (+48) 61 831 14 43
Przedmiot działalności

H.Cegielski-Poznań S.A. (short name: HCP) is a company established in 1846 which has been producing energy almost since its beginning. As early as the end of the 19th century saw the company becoming a recognized manufacturer of steam engines. The technological development of the mid-20th century brought about the change of fuel from steam to diesel, which resulted in the implementation of a new product line. Despite profound changes of the business profile, HCP has continued to develop and remained focused on the energy generating facilities until today. For a long time HCP has been recognized as a worldwide quality leader in the sector of high-power diesel engines and power plants suppliers (from 3.5MW to 200.0MW). The current development orientation of the company includes power generation facilities with the use of different fuels, ranging from fossil fuels, such as all oil and natural gas, to renewable fuels, such as biomass and various types of waste.
HCP distinguishes itself from the competitors by comprehensive attitude towards delivery. Unlike others, it does not only focus on producing engines or other components, but also completes entire investments. Apart from delivering a full installation for power generation, it also provides advice on selecting a location, design and all construction works. After the implementation stage it conducts a continuous supervision over the process by a technical monitoring system and a preliminary supervision over the staff work.
A very advantageous feature of the company offer is a particularly efficient factory repair service which promptly responds to all requirements of the customers located at anywhere in the world. HCP helps customers by advising them to ensure high efficiency of installation performance. It also performs periodical checks.
HCP quality edge on competition is also based on its 168 years of steel machining tradition. It is mainly reflected by its engineering potential. HCP is renowned on the market for producing over 4 tonne and 896 mm diameter engine component with an incredible tolerance not exceeding 0.05 mm, by means of its extensive machine stock which includes over 1,200 specialist machining tools of different types. The exact and precise machining directly translate into the lifetime and parameters achieved by HCP facilities.

  • ISO 9001,
  • ISO 14001,
  • PN-N-18001

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