EUROMOS Sp. z o.o.

ul. Czechosłowacka 3, 81-969 Gdynia
tel: (+48 58) 620 00 96
fax: (+48 58) 000 00 00
Jan Grabowski
Prezes zarządu (Chairman of the Board)
(+48 58) 620 00 96 / fax: (+48 58) 000 00 00
Obszar działalności

EUROMOS company was established in december 2004 as a result of restructuring of Stocznia Gdynia S.A. inheriting many years of experience in handling ships under construction and renovation. Since then, constantly we have developed our technical potential and service. We gained new experiences reaching a level that enables us to meet the toughest challenges. As one of the few companies in port of Gdynia we have a floating crane with a max. load of 100T.


Scope of services:

  • Lifting services and transport using a floating crane
  • Support for shipbuilding and repair in the field of electrical
  • Support for shipbuilding and repair in the field of energy
  • Operation and maintenance of cranes
  • Support the maintenance of ships - repair and maintenance of electrical equipment
Urządzenia techniczne
  • Floating crane DOR 100T
  • Steel pontoon 150T
  • Electrical installations and lighting 24, 42V, 230V, 400V
  • Systems of supply air and exhaust
  • Welding rectifiers and resistors 
  • Plants technical gases (oxygen, acetylene, compressed air, CO2)
  • Submersible water pumps with a capacity of 10-300T / h

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